================================================= Refactoring plan for improving PyPTV code quality ================================================= In the file docs/todo.txt the interested reader may find several ideas on how to improve the scientific value of PyPTV. There is certainly a lot of potential, but it will not be easy to realize, due to existing code quality problems, which also affect the operation of existing features. In this file I present the tasks needed in order to bring the code up to quality standards in usability, maintainability, readability, trustworthiness and extensibility. Each task below has an explanation and a status description. The status description should be updated whenever a task is changed. Yosef Meller. Factor out duplicated code -------------------------- There are repeated code pieces for some things. Repetition is bad because if you find a problem or want to add a feature, you must do it consistently across all copies. It is inevitable to forget some copies sometime, leading to divergent code having slightly different problems and features at each place it is used. Furthermore, each reuse requires a new copy of the entire functionality. The task is to identify duplication and move into common functions. Minor differences should be settled by removal or parameterization. Status: ~~~~~~~ By now I've identified duplication related to handling of the frame-buffer variables (t4, c4, mega): in allocation, filling from text files, and writing results. Other duplications are yet to be identified. The frame-buffer variables are no longer needed by the forward-tracking code, which uses the new proper framebuf class (in tracking_frame_buf.{c,h}). The other tracking routines still use them, but all related duplication in ptv.c has been collapsed into functions in tracking_frame_buf.c. In tracking.c there are many repeating or almost-repeating snippets that can be made into functions. Already started with {reset,copy}_foundpix_array(). Removal of global variables --------------------------- Almost all system state is global. Since the state is used extensively, it is changed by several parts of the program without coordination. So far one result identified is the use of assumed-initialized memory without initializing it. Other possible misuses of globals are documented in extensive literature online, and I fully expect to encounter them at some point. Globals must be replaced by discrete objects passed in as parameters to functions, each holding only the subset of system variables that the function needs. Our strength is in our disunity. The caller (Python) should be tasked with keeping track of the relevant state. Status: (t4, c4, mega) are no longer used in forward tracking, but still used in backward tracking and in the unused algorithm in ptv.c. There's a start of handling the calibration globals in calibration.{c,h}. Testing ------- Currently there are very few unit tests. The task is to find a unit-testing framework that works for C (maybe nosetests can be used, who knows), and start increasing coverage. Status: Selected Check as the C testing framework. All new code is tested except some recent functions that just removed duplication in track.c. The processing workflow (sequencing, tracking, tracking back) is tested against reference results using Python unit-tests in pyptv_gui/test/test_processing.py Error handling -------------- Errors are currently handled by printing a message and then doing nothing. The result is crashes somewhere away from the actual error, where the error becomes relevant. Functions which can fail should be modified to return their error state, and that state must be checked by callers and handled appropriately. Status: All frame-buffer functions return an error state if needed, but the callers do not check this right now, so the error printing is kept. however, we now return on any sign of error, rather than try to write to a file we couldn't open. Hygiene ------- Meaningful variable names. Indentation is mostly OK, but needs work. Paragraphs. Janitoring. Status: not started.