============================ How to add/fix documentation ============================ We decided to use Github to host our documentation and Sphinx to generate it. Sphinx allows us to create automatic docs in HTML, LaTeX, or PDF from the docstrings of Python and C code. In addition, it uses a relatively simple ASCII test format (reST) that can be easily edited on any platform, yet create a good documentation website. The source files of the documentation are in the ``openptv-python/docs/source`` directory, and the respective images are in ``docs/images`` directory |image0| If you want to add/fix documentation, then: #. fork the ``openptv-python`` repository #. add the document using reST http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html#lists-and-quote-like-blocks #. add images to ``images`` directory and downloads to ``downloads`` directory If you wish to see the result in HTML, then 1. download and install Sphinx http://sphinx-doc.org/latest/install.html 2. run `` make html `` from ``openptv-python/docs`` directory to generate your local copy of the documentation. Use your browser to see ``../../docs/html/index.html`` For example: :: cd /Users/alex/openptv-python/docs make html The result may look like: |image1| 5. When the documentation is ready - please **submit your pull request** and the group will review the submission. Eventually, using the same setup we will regenerate the HTML and push it to the documentation repository under **http://www.openptv.net/docs** (see for example http://alexlib.github.io/docs) .. |image0| image:: ../images/openptv-python-tree.png .. |image1| image:: ../images/local_html.png